Adaptive algorithms for sensor activation in renewable energy based sensor systems

Authors:  Neeraj Jaggi, Sreenivas Madakasira, Sandeep Reddy Mereddy, Ravi Pendse

Upcoming sensor networks would be deployed with sensing devices with energy harvesting capabilities from renewable energy sources such as solar power. A key research question in such sensor systems is to maximize the asymptotic event detection probability achieved in the system, in the presence of energy constraints and uncertainties. This paper focuses on the design of adaptive algorithms for sensor activation in the presence of uncertainty in the event phenomena. Based upon the ideas from increase/decrease algorithms used in TCP congestion avoidance, we design an online and adaptive activation algorithm that varies the subsequent sleep interval according to additive increase and multiplicative decrease depending upon the sensor’s current energy level. In addition, the proposed algorithm does not depend on global system parameters, or on the degree of event correlations, and hence can easily be deployed in practical scenarios. We analyze the performance of proposed algorithm for a single sensor scenario using Markov chains, and show that the proposed algorithm achieves near-optimal performance. Through extensive simulations, we demonstrate that the proposed algorithm not only achieves near-optimal performance, but also exhibits more stability with respect to sensor’s energy level and sleep interval variations. We validate the applicability of our proposed algorithm in the presence of multiple sensors and multiple event processes through simulations.

Adaptive algorithms
Sensor activation
Temporal correlations
Energy harvesting sensor systems

Published in: Ad Hoc Networks (Volume 11, Issue 4, January 2013)

Publisher: Elsevier

ISSN Information: 1570-8705

Adaptive algorithms for sensor activation in renewable energy based sensor systems

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