An incremental deployment algorithm for wireless sensor networks using one or multiple autonomous agents

Authors: Zhiyun Lin, Sijian Zhang, Gangfeng Yan

The paper studies the deployment problem of wireless sensor networks using one or multiple autonomous agents. An online incremental algorithm based on Voronoi partition is proposed to solve the problem, for which each agent deploys sensors one-at-a-time with the objective of using less number of sensors to cover an area and maintain communication connectivity. A probabilistic sensor sensing model is applied for area coverage evaluation. The shape of target area is assumed to be known by the agents, but how the environment affects the communication is unknown a priori. Therefore, the agents are desired to autonomously place every new sensor at an appropriate location based on deployed sensors to ensure connectivity and coverage specifications. Both simulations and experiments using our self-made wireless sensors are conducted to validate the algorithm.

Sensor network
Incremental deployment
Autonomous agent

Published in: Ad Hoc Networks (Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2013)

Publisher: Elsevier

ISSN Information: 1570-8705

An incremental deployment algorithm for wireless sensor networks using one or multiple autonomous agents

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