Microstructure and size effects in Pt/C and Pt3Ni/C electrocatalysts synthesized in solutions based on binary organic solvents

Authors:  V.E. Guterman, A.Yu Pakharev, N.Yu Tabachkova

Pt/C and Pt3Ni/C electrocatalysts that contained 12–27 wt.% Pt were prepared via the reduction of precursors in a binary solvent. The metal loading, average size of the Pt or Pt alloy nanoparticles, and electrochemical surface area (ECSA) of the obtained catalysts were found to be dependent on the choice of organic components and their relative amounts in the starting solution. Downsizing the nanoparticles was shown to favor the agglomeration processes that counterbalance the expected increase in the electrochemical surface area. This adverse effect of downsizing can be reduced through selection of the optimum binary solvent composition.

Platinum alloy
Size effect
Electrochemical surface area
Fuel cell

Published in: Applied catalysis A: General  (Volume 453, Pages 1-402, 26 February 2013)

Publisher: Elsevier

ISSN Information: 0926-860X

Microstructure and size effects in Pt/C and Pt3Ni/C electrocatalysts synthesized in solutions based on binary organic solvents

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